
Friday, June 9, 2017

Grandma and Grandpa Miller Surprise Maddie for her Birthday


Since we flew out of Chicago, our hotel was conveniently located near the Hofbrauhaus.  Had to practice a little for our next trip over the pond, to Bavaria.

After a short delay, we were off the next evening.  Henry and Maddie, Grandma wanted you to see how little the screens are in the back of the plane.  It was ok, we had our traditional "over the ocean GTs"....

Mark trusted us to ride the Heathrow Express by ourselves, and we made it!

We were waiting for Maddie when she got home from a day at school and martial arts class, on her birthday.  She saw the balloons first, then Grandpa across the room.  When she saw Grandma on the couch, there was a hugfest.  What a great moment for all of us.  Maddie's enjoying a Reese's peanut butter egg, or bunny, or whatever it was.

Another highlight earlier in the day was Mother Mash, where you can drink beer from Hell, and have a choice of your potatoes, gravy, and sausages.  Highly recommend

Of course, later Henry wasted no time in getting into his normal evening attire and gluing his game control to his hands  

The next day we went to the Portrait Gallery, which is amazing.  Of course we had to visit the portrait of Charles Darwin.  

Then off around some parade practice to try to find the Londoffs at the pub.  Felt refreshed after a couple of pints.  Oddly enough, we ran into the Londoffs, who had just arrived.

Lunch was pretty good at Sherlock Holmes Pub

Then back home with cuddle time with Grandma and Maddie

Had to make a trip to The Beehive Pub, and quaff a Truman Swift or two, and fish and chips

Had to shop too of course.

This is what Maddie looks like while waiting for her dinner...
at the pub

Another great day of shopping Oxford Circus.  Kids had to have some cruise clothes.  As noted below, Henry was thrilled.  He did show us around on the Tube, of course.

Grandma bought this for the kids.  I have no idea what it's supposed to be or do, but it makes comments that seem to have double meaning about wieners....

For lunch, Grandma got fish and chips.  She thought the little cup above was onion petals or something like that.  They were actually little fish, as she dissected one to find out.  She ate no more...

After that busy day, we met the Londoffs at The Beehive before dinner.  It was fun to have so much family in London at one time.  We had dinner later at Ishtar, a Turkish restaurant near the Miller's flat.  It was very good, and the highlight, of course, was Tim's attempt at the Guinness Book of Records for putting the most Turkish candy in one's mouth.  If I remember correctly, his attempt was promptly interrupted by his mother....

Those pictured ran a 5km race in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park on Sunday.  It was a beautiful day, and the course management sucked....but it was still fun.

My best running buddy...he kept up with me the whole

Deja vu all over again.  My running buddy from Boston Marathon 2007 (I think) get to run on the other side of the ocean...thanks Mimi!

There's some Olympic crap over my right shoulder.  I was kind of tired at the time and really didn't care...

Later in the day we took a walk to and through Regents Park.  It's a wonderful park, and it was packed with people on that Sunday.  The sign, although somewhat dilapidated, caught my eye...They were roses, I do believe.

And in the true Kennealy Grandma tradition, Grandma bought ice cream....

At this point, I'll close for now, about half way through our visit.  More soon to follow...

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