
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Update #2

Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Fred, and Aunt Nora went all the way to Washington, MO, last Saturday to shop for our pork and bratwurst burgers, go to the Farmers' Market, and generally just look around.  We ate lunch at the Blue Duck Restaurant. 

Grandpa was bragging to a friend about how no moles ever came around.  That same day a mole tunnel was spotted, and the squirrel trap is getting a workout.  One morning the trap was totally ransacked and knocked off its mooring.  A huge ground hog has been spotted, as well as the usual chipmunks, etc.  The ground hog is suspect #1, as it is too big to fit into the trap.
One of the participants in the squirrel relocation program is pictured below.

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